Friday, 19 September 2014


So, it was 5 years ago that I started this blog. Man. How time really does fly. But I'm afraid, it’s time for me to shut up shop.  I don’t have time to commit to maintaining this here blog anymore.  I mean, I know its design is about on the level of these days (which almost gets the prize for most poorly designed webpage in the universe, ever) so it’s not exactly the most time-consuming endeavour. But, to be honest, I just don't have the time.  It really is as simple as that.  There’s no bad blood or any drama or any of that stuff... 

It’s a shame, in a way, because to be honest Jimmy’s career is on the cusp of diversifying into a number of rather intriguing facets.  His recent musical endeavours for example have again thrown a fascinating insight into his work in Smashing Pumpkins and just how remarkable a musician he is.  But, alas, I simply don’t have the time to wax lyrical about how Resolution of Purpose recalls the bridge in Glass and the Ghost Children, or how in Psalm for John he is able to conjure a feeling of rhythmical cohesion stronger than some of his more distinctive, technical & busy beats, in an brilliant exercise in restraint and sublime subtlety.

I must say before I go though - to all those who were in and are still are in the SP community - it’s been a blast.  You might catch me lurking in the last crumbling wreck of the online community (as long as it still stands) and I might throw out a tweet or two (@drevpile) if I happen to catch that Jimmy’s doing something particularly cool, but really, I'm done. 

So, Jimmy, if you ever do stumble across this relic - thank you for your music and thank you for being an inspiration. 

But, for now folks - until we meet beyond the beyond or at the BC/JC reunion show, I’m out. 

